Todays work environment is highly characterized by concepts such as standardization, quality management, workflow description and other fairly technical terms. But even today - or maybe today more than ever - "to lead" is a matter of human skills and abilities, of individuality and character.
The personality of the executive can - fortunately - not be standardized. We consider personality development as a central factor for leadership success. Self knowledge of the leader enables him to acknowledge his individuality, to integrate different parts of his character and to recognize blind spots. A satisfying process for the person and a promising way for the company and its success.
In a leadership coaching, behavior and personality can be reflected with suitable tools and approaches. Current questions or problem situations of the leaders daily routine can be discussed and solved immediately.
In our varied and activity-oriented Leadership Skills Workshops the participants are empowered to expand their behavioral repertoire in critical and everyday's leadership situations. Also they learn about current trends in management theory and psychology and make them available for practical use.
The course is suitable for both young and experienced executives.